Black Steel is multiple reduced-sized targets practice that allow you to focus on fundamental steps of variety of shooting competitions. Set up a “stage” right inside your house with LaserHIT Black Steel targets (or your own black targets any shape/size/quantity) and let start focus on how to draw, acquire targets acquisition, press the trigger, move to a position of cover, change magazines, etc. The same principles can be applied to other gun manipulations like reloads, switching between guns for multi-gun matches, and to moving into, out of, and between positions.
Screen Mirroring: Screen mirroring allows you to project the content currently displayed on your smartphone or tablet to a wirelessly connected or wired TV.
Firing Distance: Actual distance from a target to firearm’s front iron sight or front lens (red dot, score).
Target Scale: ratio between size of actual target and a representation of that target.
Simulated Distance: result of Sight to Target Distance multiply by Target Scale Factor.
Distance Units supported: Feet, Yards, Meters
Simulated Distance range: 3-480 feet, 1-160 yards, 0.9-148 meters
Firing Distance range: 3-30 feet, 1 - 10 yards, 0.9-9.1 meters
Target Scale supported: 1:1 - 1:16
Measurements and calculation: Simulated Distance
Screen Mirroring:
To mirror your phone screen using the LaserHIT Wireless-X adapter, select “Screen Mirroring: Wireless,” then visit page for instructions;
To mirror your phone screen using the LaserHIT wired adapter (mirroring cable), select “Screen Mirroring: Wired,” then visit the page for instructions;
To mirror your phone’s screen using your mirroring device (Apple TV, Chromecast, etc.), select “Screen Mirroring: Other,” then start mirroring according to the device’s user manual;
To continue without mirroring, select “OFF”, then proceed.
Firing Distance: Select units (Feet, Yards, or Meters) and enter the distance value. For iron sights, enter the distance from the front sight. For a red-dot or a score, enter the distance from the front lens. Tap anywhere on the screen to close the keyboard.
Target Scale: If the field is present, enter your target scale factor. For example, if you have a target with scale 1:4, enter 4. The app will calculate Simulated Distance in selected units. If the field is missing, the app will determine the scale factor and calculate the simulated distance in real-time during the practice.
Step by Step Setup Guide: Select option "Hide" to Skip all instructional pages and minimize the Setup live screens to faster Start Practice access.
Note: if Voice support is still needed, tap on the Sound icon on the Live screen Top panel.
Hit, Size: The slider to resize or enlarge the hit graphical presentation on the phone screen.
Hits, Max: The customized number of hits in the Practice session
Timeout, Sec.: The customized time setup per Practice session
Restart Delay, Sec.: The customized delay setup to start Commence Fire for every Practice session.
Sensitivity Settings: Sub-menu to adjust the phone camera sensitivity to the laser registration, indoor light conditions, or phone/target movements.
NOTE: Tap on each Sensitivity title for details about each sensitivity condition and affections of adjustments.